Intermediation Agency and sawn importation wood, logs. Broad-leaf from Europe, North and South America, Africa.
- Broad-leaf from Europe, North and South America,Africa.
- Semifinished panels made of solid wood, in Beech wood, Durmast, Cherry, Acacia, Alder, Poplar and in special essences, available in standard dimendions and performed on dimensions requested.
- Semifinished panels made of solid wood, in Beech wood, Durmast, Cherry, Acacia, Alder, Poplar and in special essences, available in standard dimensions and performed on dimensions required.
- Veneers, rotary cut and burls, multilaminated wood.
- Special logs for veneers.
- Panels in Oriented strand board ( O.S.B. ) made of class 2-3-4. Pyroply (fire resistant), O.S.B. coloured.
- Chipboard panels, MDF and MDF coloured.
- Plywood for ureic or phenolic packing on the cheap.